FIZ Karlsruhe baut gemeinsam mit der RWTH Aachen und der TU Berlin eine bedarfsgerechte digitale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für die Historische Bauforschung auf.
… clusters on an interdisciplinary basis and develop specific solutions. Leibniz Science Campuses have the science … universities or other non-university institutes. More specifically, the aim is to create networks in order to further … are used in this context. Research clusters focus on specific scientific use cases DiTraRe's work program is …
… a higher degree of efficiency. The characterization of a specific research project is shown in the BINE portal 1 … these crystal structures already exist. In ICSD, we can specifically research for cell parameters and make selective … plays an important role for us. On the one hand we can specifically sort out the crystals which have been described by …
Das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) bietet seinen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern ein neues, zentrales Angebot für die Archivierung und Publikation von Forschungsdaten: „RADAR4KIT“.
… to make them interoperable. In this context, discipline-specific repositories for the publication and long-term … RADAR4Culture in order to meet the respective discipline-specific requirements. Dr. Felix Bach, Head Research Data at …